June Climate Action Update

Policy and Funding Insights for Cities & Coalitions

December 31, 2023

Read the June UpdatePress releasego to project pageExecutive Summary


Our team at the Center has been working hard to pull together the latest policy models, funding opportunities, and justice-forward resources for all our friends and allies working to advance climate action and justice in their cities and communities. We've packed all this outreach, insights, and research into a monthly update that you now have at your fingertips.

What's in these Climate Innovation Updates?

The monthly updates are jam-packed with resources! We cover inspirational local climate actions and climate justice initiatives from municipalities in the U.S. and abroad. Inside you'll find funding opportunities provided through both the federal government and larger nonprofits for climate, housing, transit and other infrastructure initiatives. Also included are planning resources from the government alongside movement resources and guides on topics such as equitable zoning and toolkits on participatory democracy. These updates are a collection of high-quality, justice-forward resources gathered for you to help enable your advocacy and policymaking.

How Do I Use Them?

We've summarized each policy, funding opportunity and resource for you - take a glance through the Update and follow the links to the resources that are most valuable to you. We encourage you to forward these Updates to colleagues and allies who would also find them useful. This is our very first Update and there will be many more - help us make the Updates as insightful and relevant to you as they can be by sharing your feedback with us!


The Global Center for Climate Justice