"Chuck's book reveals not only the inner workings of the elaborate scheme to hide more than $20 trillion in wealth, it offers us a blueprint for reversing this obscene inequality."
Senator Bernie Sanders
The Wealth Hoarders
How Billionaires Pay Millions to Hide Trillions
Chuck Collins
March 8, 2021

In Wealth Hoarders, Chuck Collins interviews the leading players of the Wealth Defense Industry and gives a unique insider account of how this industry is doing everything it can to create and entrench hereditary dynasties of wealth and power. He exposes the inner workings of these agents of inequality, showing how they deploy anonymous shell companies, family offices, offshore accounts, opaque trusts, and sham transactions to ensure the world’s richest pay next to no tax. He ends by outlining a robust set of policies that democratic nations can implement to shut down the Wealth Defence Industry for good.

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